Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hadley's blog

Hadley girl, this one has been a long time coming as you've changed so much over the last 5 months! At you your 15 month check up, you were 24+ pounds (89%), and only in the 49%ile for height which we almost can't believe because you are always so much bigger than the other little girls at the playground. Still 100% for that big beautiful head of yours. You started walking at 13 months and "running," at 15, though you mostly are just moving your arms and legs really fast rather than an actual sprint. You are also a climber! You love to sing and dance and sing along to about 15 different kids songs. You try to say your ABC's and count to three. You adore animals as well and are still, a total momma's girl. You sleep about 12 hours at night every night and wake up once for a bottle of whole milk and take a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon everyday. You are a total sweetheart and everyone gushes about your big blue eyes, big pudgy cheeks, and blonde curly hair. A "total doll." We love you baby!

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