Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy 6 month birthday Henry!!!!!!

Our dear, little, baby you turned 6 months old! Mom and dad can barely believe it. How fast the time has gone by. You are turning into quite the little boy. We love you soooo much ;)
6 months old meant another trip to the doctor for a well baby checkup and, sadly, shots. So off we went this morning. You are 18 pounds (61st % ile), and 26 inches (35th % ile), and your head is 17.5 inches (72 nd % ile). The doctor said you looked great. You did very well for your shots too! Just a red face and 5 second cry. You are meeting all of your milestones and then some. You get to start eating 2 meals a day now, including fruits and veggies. Very exciting! We will take lots of pictures for ya. xoxo
Getting some grub from the store 
Wow, you might need to learn a little patience 
Oh wow
Here are a few more pictures from this past week:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A new friend!

Yesterday we got to go and meet a new friend. His name is Oliver and he is just 4 weeks old! His mommy works with your mommy Henry. She had one of your baby showers at her house for us way back in March. Both Oliver and his mommy looked great. Oliver's mommy thinks that he is already 10 lbs which seemed so small to us. Can't believe you were ever that small. Sooooo sweet. Thanks for having us Erin and baby! We can't wait to visit again!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Quite the week

Oh Henry, what a busy week little boy! We went to River Blast to see Daddy play in his band last Friday, the cousins visited Saturday, and Daddy's birthday was this week too. Whew. On top of that, you seem to be growing and changing by the minute. Turning into such a big boy right before our eyes! Almost sitting on your own now. 5 months has been a biggy changer for you. 
5 month pic from Grandma. You are really into crossing your ankles. 

another Grandma shot

so curious about Grandma's camera I think

Thanks for these last two. The crossed legs  ;)

Super Baby

You love playing with Gus these days and sucking in that lower lip. Teething, I think.

When dad plays guitar for you, you have to help out these days. You think you are playing all the tunes he strums.

When cousins visited, Brody rode with you and Mommy for each and every destination. He is in the running  for your favorite person. You absolutely love him!!! Sadly, this is mom's only picture from our day. More on their blog.
Skooching a little to reach your toys.

You get really excited about your toys these days.

yep, more guitar. mom doesn't think you will end up playing the tuba someday ;)

River Blast

Seeing things upside down is funny, isn't it?
Daddy's birthday dinner.

Such a big guy!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Grandma's Up North Photo's!

Your very talented Grandma Jones was graciously able too take a few photo's while we were on vacation a few weeks ago. Daddy and I love 'em. Hoping for a few more family shots soon. ;) 
Great Grandpa Meredith and all of his great grandkids. You were the only baby up north this year. 

Silhouettes of us along the Mississippi.