Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Henry's happenings

Ever since you've been out of daycare Henry, mommy and daddy have tried to keep you socialized by numerous play dates, visits with cousins and enrolled in some class. We have done a library class, swimming lessons, and Jan-May of this year you attended your very first ECFE class. You loved it!You have always done very well with other little kids and continue to do so. Circle time was never your favorite but you hung in there. Your teacher said that she has never seen another kid more aware of their surroundings. You currently go to a gymnastics class once a week and you are especially loving it. You are very good at it all! You can walk on the balance beam without assistance and can do a forward roll, using the wedge. So proud! Here are a few pics from your last ECFE class:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Catch up! You are both growing so fast!

Finally have our laptop up and running. Mommy loaded up the computer from the last 2 months and there were 265 of them. Too many to put here in the blog but here is a summary of the last few months: Hadley, you have rolled from your tummy to your back 3 token times. You are close to rolling from back to tummy but hasn't happened yet. You are still extremely chatty and like blowing raspberries. You also grab your toes and take 2-3 naps a day and still, for the most part, sleep well at night. Henry, your verbal skills have taken off! You say your ABC's, count to 13, and can sing about 10 nursery rhymes. You are as active as ever and are getting more and more comfortable with sharing your life with Hadley and even play with her a little now. Here are some pics. Mom will post more in the weeks to come to CATCH UP!