Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hadley: The Climber

Hadley girl, you aren't  walking yet but, on January 21st, you took your VERY FIRST STEP! Three times you stepped for us! You are amazing and we love you sooo much! You have also developed a love of climbing. Mom found out a little to late as you fell off Henry's trampoline and scraped your sweet little forehead. Henry has been our rascal but as he gets older and smarter he's calmed down so much and is just full of interest in learning everything. You Hadley, are developing your big muscles and are getting more and more rascally by the day. Love you! Take it easy on mommy and daddy though, will ya?
chasing Henry around the house and loving his "peek aboo games with you"
mommy had to put on your tutu
your first real "owie"
getting fitted for your first pair of walking shoes!
showing the shoes off

your climbing sequence and yes, you climbed onto the toy yourself too!

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Hadley update!

Hadley, our sweetie, we can't believe that you will be 11 months old tomorrow! You are now standing, without anything to pull up on, cruising furniture a little, waving, doing "high fives," playing all sorts of games, and even saying just a few words. You have been saying "mama," and "dada," for a while now but, you now say "ball," and "up," adn daddy says you say, "Gus," our ever forgotten dog. You tried to say Grandma the last time she visited but it came out, "Bama." She'll take it! She will also take YOU! You have finally started going to other people a little but remain a mommy's girl. Definitely a mommy's girl. You still just have your bottom two teeth (cut those at 8 months), but have big blisters where your top two will surely pop through in a few days. You are a great eater, take one, occasionally two naps a day and wake up, on average four times a night to eat. You are close to taking your first step and are a very happy, healthy baby. You LOVE your baby dolls and are almost saying, "baby," too. We love you big girl. here are pictures of you over the last few months:
here you are, back in October, as "fluffy" as ever :)

loving toast
learning to stand in November
always smiley for mommy
bananas at least once a day and drinking from a sippy cup
daddy's hair stylings
more standing practice with daddy

Henry is getting a kick out of you being mobile and acting a little older
climbing on thanksgiving. you love the stairs
you adore bath time!
mommy's helper