Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 28, 2014

Henry's 3rd B-day Party!

CHOO CHOO! Henry, we celebrated your 3rd birthday with a big party at the Cambria town hall this past Sunday. We brought your "steam engine," had "steam, coal, and wheels," for treats and delicious train themed cupcakes and cake that mom only wishes she could claim credit for. Also there, were balloons, as requested by you, and about 36 wonderful relatives! Unfortunately, when mommy ordered your invitations you were still napping so a 3:30 party time would have been great! Well, no nap = not so great for you pal. You were pretty unfocused and wild with all the goings on there. You did sit for a moment to blow out your candles. You also, after escaping the hall for the 1,000th time, locked yourself in mom's car just as it was time to open your presents! Daddy managed to coax you out though and you eventually opened them. You enjoyed them soooooo much more the next day when we got back home and, after a nap, opened each of them with great interest and joy! You may be a bit too young even though you think you are a very big boy, to not nap sweetie! Love you soooooo much and hope you had a fun birthday week! Thank you to everyone that came!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Henry is 3!

Henry, you turned 3 yesterday! You woke up and, as requested, had a green doughnut with sprinkles for breakfast. We,(you,mommy and sort of Hadley), sang the birthday song and you blew out 3 candles. Neighbor Kay came over in the morning and brought you cupcakes, which you loved, and she had candles for you to blow out too! Then you played and played until it was rest time, (you gave up nap a couple of weeks ago), then Grandma and Grandpa Jones came over to celebrate your big day with you! We all went to swimming lessons together and you were amazing. Still working on your back float :). We went home and Mary Ellen came over we and had pizza and brownies that you and mommy baked together in the morning, and ice cream. You blew your 3 candles out again and then opened a few gifts.Your big requests this year were, "steam engine, green blanket, and kitty." You got all 3 and then some little guy!Happy 3rd Birthday Henry! We all love you so much!
good morning for you big guy!
neighbor Kay's special birthday treats
you new kitty! mommy is allergic so this is the next best thing

opening a special package form Aunt Connie and Uncle Seth that had both Henry and Hadley's B-day gifts inside!

Grandpa couldn't open Hadley's new dolly fast enough!
opening another special package for Henry from Grandma and Grandpa Habeck!

your "steam engine." It actually puffs real smoke!
you are in HEAVEN!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fun Times!

Oh kids, we live in MN so therefore, cabin fever is always lurking in the winter and so, we've been getting out there! We did an overnight at a hotel with a water park with Aunt Meredith and crew, started swimming lessons, went climbing, daddy took you to Grandma and Grandpa's and you went to the children's museum there, and we try to do as many play dates as possible. You kids seem happier and healthier,(despite a few colds and one bout of the tummy flu for Henry), than ever. We can't wait to see how much you enjoy spring! Here are a load of pictures of our adventures over the last few months: