Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Play date with Hendrix

Hanging out with your buddy Hendrix: 
Hendrix is showing you how to break-dance!

Explaining a few things to you about his toys and stuff. You were hanging on his every word.

You were chewing on his puzzle pieces, so he did too!
It was a very fun playdate. You had a blast, Henry. Thanks to Hendrix and his mommy for having us!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow Day!

Yesterday, your daddy went outside to shovel snow and we watched from the windows. You love the snow and seeing daddy so, naturally, you were batting at the windows, smiling, and saying daddy. Well, your dad saw this and asked, "wanna put your snow pants on?" The answer was a unanimous yes! So sledding we went! Your first time! You didn't move much but we think you liked it. The snow should be around for a while now so hopefully we will get out there again soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Staying home

In the past month, you have gotten sick two times. Your mommy, consequently, has gotten sick too. First, was the croup before Christmas. That illness was the worst yet, but you recovered from that one in 8 long days. Now, we are going on day 7 of your latest cold. Horrible coughs at night that wake you up but the hardest days are done, and you seem to be getting better. Mommy caught this last one, but should be better soon too. We are grateful to our daycare lady but don't like sending you there for a few reasons, and illness is the #1! Because we've been sick, that means staying home to get well and, sick or not, you have been up to a few things. Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks and, oh, Happy 10 month Birthday buddy!

trying new foods
getting your fruits (though this apple may have been a little tart)...
and veggies
pulling up on everything
your favorite food is definitely cottage cheese!

you love playing peek-a-boo with your bedroom door

some very warm days for January so we took walks!

picking out your next meal, or just showing off your bottom teeth?
cruising around the furiture

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cousin Bayler's Baptism

This past weekend, your cousin Bayler was baptized. Your Mommy and Daddy, Henry, were/are grateful Godparents to little Bayler. We all stood in front of the church, even you! Despite your little cold, it was a great time and we go to spend alot of time with Grandma and Grandpa Jones and the Nordby's! Here are a few pictures of our fun weekend:
Mommy and Daddy with Bayler

Bayler has four Godparents! Look  how cute he is too!

You and Great Grandpa

Practicing walking with Mary Ellen

You seem to stick that belly out first 

You have got your standing down!

You got a big kick out of Grandma's cat this weekend

Bayler is taking mental notes from you on how to crawl 

Bayler and his Mommy on his special day

More walking practice. Any day now, we think.

Baby doll and her hip mommy (cousin Brenley, ofcourse).

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year Henry/9 months!

Well Henry, you and mommy rang in the new year snoozing away in bed. Our dog Gus didn't even stay awake with daddy this year. 2012 is sure to be an amazing year filled with big changes for you. We still can't believe that you are already 9 months! Speaking of 9 months, you spent Saturday with Grandma Jones, (and great aunt Mary Ellen too), and so, of course, she took a few 9 month pictures. And last Wednesday, we had your 9 month well baby check up and the doctor gave you an A+! You are meeting all of your milestones and growing great too! You weigh 20 lbs 10 ounces (48% ile), are 29 and 3/4 in tall (89% ile), and your head is 18 and 1/2 in around (89% ile). Keep up the good work fella!

Thanks Grandma for the pictures!