Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Big Guy

You went to the doctor for your 15 month well baby check up today. Guess what? You are still on the big end. 25 pounds, 10 ounces (66%ile), 33 inches tall (94%ile), and your head is 19 and 1/4 inches around (90%ile). This was actually the first visit that the doctor didn't tell us that you will eventually end up a little smaller. You are meeting all of your milestones and more and are a very healthy little boy. Way to grow Henry!!!
looking like a big boy

one of your new favorites is "clean up"



how you got so big?

pillow fights

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rainy day

Today it rained and rained. There hasn't been a day where we didn't play outside in ages and mommy didn't want to let a little rain get in the way so mommy dug up an old hand-me-down raincoat from a little neighbor boy (size 3T) and outside we went. You had lots of fun in the puddles. We also pretended to drive mommy's truck with you on my lap in the drivers seat for almost 30 minutes. After nap, we went to the mall to look for a Father's Day gift and when we returned, Daddy had a little fort set up in the living room. You loved it and giggled and played around and with that fort until supper. Priceless. Way to go Daddy!

you weren't sure about the fit
laughing sooo hard

even after dinner it was fun

Friday, June 8, 2012

Grandma's Retirement party and...

Whew Henry, busy week! This past Saturday, we went down to Cambria to celebrate Grandma Jones's Retirment Party! It was alot of fun and you even stayed out till 9:30pm! Grandma had a great time too and we know she will enjoy this next chapter in her life. She's not really retiring though. She will continue with her amazing photography, and sub some days next year at school, and take car of cousins Brody, Brenley, and Bayler a few days a week too! Too bad we didn't live closer or we would ask her to spend a few days with you too since you only need 3-5 days a month and your mommy DOES NOT like sending you to a day care;( Speaking of day care, you had your last day on Tuesday. You waved goodbye to the ladies and blew kisses and we were out of there. Now we get cousin Abby for the summer and Grandma a few days too. Yay!!! 
You and Grandma, (lookin good guys ;)

Daddy and the band played

Just one angle of the great turn out

Sadly, mommy's only picture of cousin Beth home from Switzerland

Grandpa and Bayler

You LOVE the golf cart and Uncle Ryan gave you a ride!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just a few pictures from this past week. Love you buddy.
you love all pasta

on the run

Minnesota man

at least 5 times a day I get this face, followed by a big cry for really no good reason

play date with our neighbor Marina

Yes, very girly, but they only make brooms in pink. Hope that changes.