Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hadley's blog

Our sweet baby Hadley, this blog entry is just about you. You are a very, very smiley baby, especially just after a feeding or waking up from a nap. You eat every 2 hours during the day but for the last few days you have been wanting to eat more like every 3. You always give mommy a good 4-5 hour stretch each night where you just sleep and have even gone 6 hours a few times. You are a little bit of a "spitty" baby and, as a result, your brother Henry says, "pewewk," at least 5 times a day when he looks at you. The vomiting doesn't bother you though and aside from just slightly elevating your head of the bed and keeping you upright after feeds for a bit we haven't had to do anything else about it. You had blocked tear ducks from that were apparent from about 2 weeks to 7 weeks but they have cleared up. You still have your 'stork bites' on your eyelids and bridge of the nose. You can roll from your back to your side, and really like to reach out and swat at toys. You are also very verbal and say tons of, "goos," each day. You also hum a little in your sleep. You have stinky toots and we have thrown away three outfits as a result of your big poops diapers. You usually only fuss when you are sleepy.Overall you are a very good, low maintenance baby who, we think, is very very smart. We love you soooo much!

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