Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What else goes on around here?

So, by far your favorite activities are eating, doing your # 1's and 2's , and sleeping. In that order too. There have, however, been other happenings around here where you are concerned. Here are a few pics:

Here are all of your tummy time pics so far. Your doctor said that its never too early to start, so we have. The jury is still out on whether or not you like it. Usually, the verdict is no. 

Another pediatrician recommended favorite of yours is the multivitamin you take once daily. Mommy tasted it and yuck! These are pics of you taking it for the first time. We gave it to you straight up...not a good idea. Since then, you've been getting it mixed with a little milk and you gulp it right down.

You have also already met your first friend! He lives just a few blocks away and his name is Hendrix David. His mommy thought it would be cute to put you two in matching outfits. I think she's right.

And we can't forget play time when you are awake with both mommy and daddy. We love telling you stories and giving you smiles. 

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