Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Henry's birth story

This is Nate! This might get lengthy, but here's our story:
I woke up early Friday morning, well, early for me, around 11:00am (hey, I was on spring break). I did my usual thing of making breakfast and casually getting coffee and me going. Around 1:30pm I decided to go check on Heidi. To my surprise she was already up, she had worked a shift the night before. The first thing she told me was that she thought she was having contractions. She had had 3 and they had come exactly every 10 minutes. All that I could think was oh, okay, sure. See, as I guy, I guess I had it in my mind that April 1st was the day I was preparing for and April 1st would be the day it would be, ya know? Well, she got out of bed and the contractions seemed to go away. All I could think was phew... Heidi then thought she would get in the shower. Then they came back... I grabbed the pen and paper and stopwatch (phone) and started timing out the contractions. For awhile they were pretty irregular so I was under the impression that maybe this would all pass and I would have another weekend to do pretty much nothing, well, a bit more nesting I guess, I still have to get that dang faucet installed in the bathroom. . anyway... After an hour or so they were coming every 5 to 6 minutes. The handout from the hospital said it was pretty close to being time to call the hospital. We soon did and they told us to take a half hour to get ready and then we could meet the mid-wife at the hospital. It finally hit me that Heidi was in fact in labor and that this would be the last time at home with just Gus, Heidi and I. I called the neighbor to take Gus and started packing up the car. We got to the hospital around 7 7:30pm. Heidi was handling the contractions pretty well. They told her to be a "noodle" instead of tensing up and banging her fist into things! After they suggested that she really did amazing. Calm and collected with every one, you are amazing Heidi, a champion. They told us that she was dilated to 3 and that they would be getting a room ready for us. We got into the room. Sometime before this we made a few calls to loved ones. My mom, dad and sister said they were on their way. They got to the hospital around who knows when, you guys can fill that out... I went to the waiting room and suggested that they head to Heidi and I's house as it was 5 minutes (roughly) away. It was going to be awhile yet. They headed to our house. Heidi ended up getting an epidural around 1:00am after making it to 5 cm. The mid-wife broke Heidi's water. I fell asleep on the window sill and woke up around 3:30am to the mid-wife telling Heidi it was almost time to get going. Heidi started pushing at 4:00am and at 6:21 am we became proud parents of our beautiful little boy Henry David Jones.
Stats: 7lbs. 5 oz. 19 1/2" long.
Heidi, you are amazing. Thank you for bringing this amazing little man into our lives. You are truly a champion. I can't believe you did that... I love you.
Here are some pics. Some from us, some from Grandma Jones, more to come.


  1. Beautiful story, and beautiful baby! Congratulations you two!

  2. I still think he looks like Mr. Magoo when he is getting his bath ;-) Adorable - love the story!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the story!! He is precious! Heidi you look so calm for being in labor-you are a champion! :)
