Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Catching up

Today you decided to take a long evening nap which is enabling mommy to get caught up on your blog here. This, after saying good bye to your Grandma Jones who left today after her 3 day visit. Grandpa and Great Grandpa Jones came to visit and took her back with them. So sad for all of us but writing this blog makes me feel better. Luv you Grandma Jones!
Your little nap

You with Great Grandpa ( Greatpa :) Jones

With both Grandpas

First time feeding you for Grandpa

Sadly, the only picture mommy got of you and Grandma during her visit. You have one of your goofy faces going.

Aunt Meredith brought Grandma up on Sunday for her visit and while here, she assisted with your very first pro photo shoot...won't be the last ;)

You and your Auntie Meredith. She will visit us again soon, yeah!!!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you already, Henry:(, and Mommy and Daddy, too. Love you so much and had the best time spending time with you.
