Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What else goes on around here?

So, by far your favorite activities are eating, doing your # 1's and 2's , and sleeping. In that order too. There have, however, been other happenings around here where you are concerned. Here are a few pics:

Here are all of your tummy time pics so far. Your doctor said that its never too early to start, so we have. The jury is still out on whether or not you like it. Usually, the verdict is no. 

Another pediatrician recommended favorite of yours is the multivitamin you take once daily. Mommy tasted it and yuck! These are pics of you taking it for the first time. We gave it to you straight up...not a good idea. Since then, you've been getting it mixed with a little milk and you gulp it right down.

You have also already met your first friend! He lives just a few blocks away and his name is Hendrix David. His mommy thought it would be cute to put you two in matching outfits. I think she's right.

And we can't forget play time when you are awake with both mommy and daddy. We love telling you stories and giving you smiles. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Catching up

Today you decided to take a long evening nap which is enabling mommy to get caught up on your blog here. This, after saying good bye to your Grandma Jones who left today after her 3 day visit. Grandpa and Great Grandpa Jones came to visit and took her back with them. So sad for all of us but writing this blog makes me feel better. Luv you Grandma Jones!
Your little nap

You with Great Grandpa ( Greatpa :) Jones

With both Grandpas

First time feeding you for Grandpa

Sadly, the only picture mommy got of you and Grandma during her visit. You have one of your goofy faces going.

Aunt Meredith brought Grandma up on Sunday for her visit and while here, she assisted with your very first pro photo shoot...won't be the last ;)

You and your Auntie Meredith. She will visit us again soon, yeah!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Smile, squinch, stink eye, and pout

Henry, you have so many different faces for all of us to gush over. You make us laugh everyday with all of your crazy expressions. Keep up the good work!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Oh Henry, part of the wonder of being your parents is experiencing all of your "firsts" in life right along with you. First feeding, first nap, first nights sleep, first car ride, first night home..... the list is too long. We've been able to get pictures of most of it so far. We hope you like 'em just as much as we do. 
First time home

First car ride

First bottle

First movie

First rush inside to not be late

First doctor appointment
Went great! No jaundice, 7 lbs 4 oz., same length, up 1/2 in. head circumference

First story

First bath at home

Grandma got to do the honors

First visit from Grandma and Grandpa Jones

First late night snuggle with both mommy AND Gus...good dog

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We love visitors!

It has been so fun introducing our little guy to some the family and friends that have been so excited to meet him. We feel so proud and just love sharing him with all of you. It's totally like that scene from the lion king where the monkey, Rafiki (thanks Mary Ellen) lifts Simba up in the air on that cliff for the whole of the animal kingdom to see. We are truly having the time of our lives!!!

Thank you all for visiting and for the treats and gifts! And sorry uncle Ryan, looks like we missed getting a picture of you and Henry. Will get one soon.