Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy 6 month birthday Henry!!!!!!

Our dear, little, baby you turned 6 months old! Mom and dad can barely believe it. How fast the time has gone by. You are turning into quite the little boy. We love you soooo much ;)
6 months old meant another trip to the doctor for a well baby checkup and, sadly, shots. So off we went this morning. You are 18 pounds (61st % ile), and 26 inches (35th % ile), and your head is 17.5 inches (72 nd % ile). The doctor said you looked great. You did very well for your shots too! Just a red face and 5 second cry. You are meeting all of your milestones and then some. You get to start eating 2 meals a day now, including fruits and veggies. Very exciting! We will take lots of pictures for ya. xoxo
Getting some grub from the store 
Wow, you might need to learn a little patience 
Oh wow
Here are a few more pictures from this past week:


  1. You're getting so big Henry!! And just as cute as a button!! Now that you are officially 6 months old I think your new cousin can come anytime!

  2. Henry is so cute and happy!! Thanks for sharing your great photos!
